Materi Kelas X narrative
The Communicative purpose :To amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways; (Narrative deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution).
The Generic Structure:
Orientation : Sets the scene and introduce the participants.
Evaluation : a stepping back to evaluate the plight.
Complication : a crisis arise.
Resolution : the crisis is resolved, for better and for worse.
Re-orientation : optional.
Once upon a time there 40 cruel thieves who put their stolen money and treasures in a cave. They went in the cave by saying “Open Sesame!” to the cave entrance. A poor person, named Ali Baba saw them while they were doing that, so he heard the opening word. After they left, he went toward the cave and opened it. Suddenly he found a very large quantity of money and golden treasures. He took some of it and went back home. After that he became a rich man and his brother wanted to know how he became rich.
Ali Baba turned into the richest man in his village. His evil brother was really jealous of him, and wanted to know how he could get such a lot of money. Therefore, when Ali Baba went to the cave again to take some more money, his brother followed him. He saw everything, and decided to go back the next day to take some money for himself. The next morning he found a lot of money in the cave, and he wanted to take all of them. Unfortunately, when he was busy carrying the money to his house, the thieves came. The Boss of the thieves asked him how he knew about the cave. He told everything, but unluckily they killed him and went to Ali Baba’s house.
After finding Ali Baba’s house, they made a plan to kill him the following night. Some of the thieves hid in big jars, and the Boss pretended that he was a merchant who wanted to sell the jars to Ali Baba. Ali Baba who was a kind man invited the Boss of the thief to have lunch together.
After lunch they took a rest. Luckily, the house maid went out of the house, and found that there were thieves inside the jars. She finally boiled hot oil and poured it into the jars to kill all of them. The boss of the thieves was caught, and put into prison.
Ali Baba was saved from the danger, and he finally lived happily ever after with his maid who became his wife shortly after.
Ok, jadi dari text Narrative diatas, kita tahu bahwa Narrative Text mempunyai sebuah struktur tertentu. Struktur dan fungsi masing-masing bagian adalah sebagai berikut :
Orientation: Sets the scene and introduces the participants. (Memperkenalkan tokoh dan setting).
Complication : A crisis arises (Munculnya masalah).
Resolution : The crisis is resolved (Terselesainya masalah).
Reorientation : Optional (Bisa ada / atau tidak ada fungsinya menyimpulkan isi cerita )
Namun kadang, dalam Narrative text, kita juga bisa menemukan adanya struktur yang dinamakan Evaluation yang berfungsi untuk menilai makna dari sebuah peristiwa dalam cerita. Yang harus kita ingat bahwa struktur yang HARUS ADA dalam Narrative hanyalah tiga STRUKTUR yang pertama yaitu : ORIENTATION, COMPLICATION, serta RESOLUTION. Nah, dalam konteks budaya Bahasa Inggris, NARRATIVE TEXT ini biasanya dituturkan dengan tujuan / Communicative Purpose untuk menghibur pembaca (To amuse / entertain the readers).
Kalau kita lihat Narrative diatas, kita tahu bahwa sebagian ciri – ciri / Lexico grammar features Narrative teks adalah sebagai berikut :
Focus on specific usually individualized participants (Fokus pada orang tertentu secara khusus)
The Use of Simple Past (Penggunaan Tense Masa Lampau)
The use of temporal conjunction (Penggunaan kata penghubung yang menunjukkan waktu)
The use of noun phrases (Penggunaan frasa kata benda yang kaya dengan kata sifat misalnya : 40 cruel thieves, His evil brother)
Types of Narrative
There are many types of narrative. They can be imaginary, factual or a combination of both. They may include fairy stories, mysteries, science fiction, romances, horror stories, adventure stories, fables, myths and legends, historical narratives, ballads, slice of life, personal experience
Answer The questions
1. What does the story tell you about?
2. What did Ali Baba find inside the cave?
3. Why was his brother jealous of him?
4. What did Ali Baba’s brother say to the Boss of the thief?
5. What did the thieves do after they find Ali Baba’s house?
6. Who killed all of the thieves? How?
7. What happened finally to Ali Baba?
8. Is there any moral value in the text?
9. What is this story trying to explain?
10. How was the problem resolved?
Blog ini terbuka bagi siswa siswi SMAI Soedirman 1 Bekasi, gunanya untuk melihat tugas dan materi bahasa Inggris yang diberikan disekolah.... Kalau kalian tidak masuk, blog ini bisa dijadikan referensi karena berisi catatan materi dan tugas yang diberikan disekolah, jadi tak ada alasan lagi bagi kalian ketinggalan pelajaran atau tidak mengerjakan tugas karena tidak masuk...Semoga membantu kalian dan kalian bisa naik kelas dengan nilai yang baik....Amiieeen....
Kamis, 29 Juli 2010
Modul UH 1
Semester 1;
Unit 1: Narrative
Simple Present tense
Greeting and introducing
Unit 2: Recount
Simple past tense
Unit 3: Procedure
Present Continuous tense
Unit 4:
Semester 2;
Unit 1: Narrative
Unit 2: Descriptive
Unit 3: News Item
Unit 1
1. Reading
Standard of Competence
Understand messages in short function text and short monologues/essays of recount, narrative and procedure in daily life context to get the knowledge
Basic Competence
Respond accurately, fluently and appropriately messages in short function text in daily life context and to get the knowledge.
Course Objectives
Students will be able to
Responding to the text in the narrative form correctly
Retelling to the story and identifying the communicative purpose and rhetorical moves in the text.
Read the legend.
A long time ago, the ancient land of Sunda was ruled by a king and queen who had but a single daughter. Her name was Dayang Sumbi. She was beautiful and clever but also pampered and spoiled.
One day as she was weaving in her pavilion, she became moody and distracted, which caused her to keep dropping her shuttle on the floor. Once when it fell she exclaimed she would marry the one who gave it back to her. At that very moment her dog Tumang, a demigod possessing magic powers, came up to her with the shuttle in his mouth. Dayang Sumbi had to marry him.
They lived happily together, and Dayang Sumbi gave birth to a baby boy, human in appearance but endowed with his father’s magic powers. She named him Sangkuriang. As the boy grew up, he was always guarded by the faithful dog Tumang, whom he knew only as a companion and not as his father, Sangkuriang became handsome and brave.
One day his mother asked him to go hunting with the dog and bring her venison for a feast. After hunting all day without success, Sangkuriang worried about facing his mother empty-handed. Desperate, he took an arrow and shot the dog. He returned home and handed over the meat to his pleased mother. Soon after the feast, however, Dayang Sumbi questioned her son about the absence of Tumang. At first he evaded her queries but finally told her what had happened. She was horrified and struck her son so hard on the temple that he collapsed. For that, the old king banished his daughter from the court and she was made to roam around the kingdom. Sangkuriang recovered with a large scar on his temple, and he too left the court to wander about the world.
Years later, Sangkuriang met a beautiful woman and instantly fell in love with her. It was his own mother-they did not recognize each other. He proposed to her and she agreed to marry him. On the day before the wedding, as she was caressing her fiancĂ©e’s hair, Dayang Sumbi detected the scar on the temple. Horror struck her, for she was about to marry her own son, Sangkuriang. Without revealing the whole truth to him, she tried unsuccessfully to dissuade him. Desperate to avoid the marriage, she set conditions she thought impossible to meet. Sangkuriang had to make a lake that filled the whole valley and build a boat for the couple to sail in, all before dawn.
Sangkuriang started to work. His love gave him extraordinary strength, and he used his magic powers to summon the spirits to help him. With boulders and mud they dammed the river in the valley and the water rose and began to form a lake. In the early morning hours he chopped down a huge tree in the forest and began hollowing it out to make a boat. When Dayang Sumbi saw that he was about to accomplish what she has thought impossible, she called on the gods to bring the sun up early and thwart Sangkuriang.
The cock crowed, the sun rose much earlier than usual, and Sangkuriang realized he had been deceived. In a fit of fury he caused Dayang Sumbi and kicked the half-finished boat back into the forest. There it lies upside down today, forming the mountain Tangkuban Perahu (Upturned Boat). Not far away is the stump of the tree Sangkuriang had fallen, now called Bukit Tinggi. The dam Sangkuriang had built caused the valley to become a lake, where both Sangkuriang and Dayang Sumbi drowned themselves. They were never heard of again.
(Taken from All Around Bandung – Gottfrid Roelcke, Gary Crabb).
A. Answer the questions based on the text given!
1. What is the purpose of the text?
2. Why did Dayang Sumbi become moody and distracted when she was weaving in her pavilion?
3. Who was Sangkuriang father?
4. She was horrified and struck her son so hard on the temple that he collapsed.
What is the synonym of the underlined word?
5. What is the dominant structure of the text?
6. Why did Sangkuriang take an arrow and shot the dog?
7. How did Sangkuriang accomplish to make a lake that filled the whole valley and build a boat for the couple to sail in, all before dawn?
8. Why did Dayang Sumbi set the condition that impossible to do?
9. What is the story trying to explain?
10. Mention the moral value in this story?
B. Match the word with the meaning or synonym!
1. ancient a. wander
2. evaded b. command something to come
3. Scar c. get out of the way
4. Lake d. stretch of land between hills or mountains usually with a river flowing through it
5. Banish e. meal in public with many good things to eat and drink
6. Summon f. belonging to time long past
7. deceive g. mark remaining on the surface of skin as the result of injury
8. roam h. send away out of the country
9. feast i. play trick on something in order to mislead
10. valley j. large area of water surrounded by land
C. Choose the correct answer.
1. Who was Dayang Sumbi’s husband?
a. The King
b. Sangkuriang
c. Tumang
d. Her fiancee
e. Her father
2. Why did she marry her dog, Tumang? Because...
a. She exclaimed to marry one who gave it back her shuttle
b. It was a companion Sangkuriang
c. She fell in love with it
d. It was a demigod possessing magic powers
e. She detected the scar on the temple
3. Why did Sangkuriang kill his dog? Because....
a. It had married his mother
b. He wanted to take Tumang’s powers
c. Sangkuriang loved Dayang Sumbi
d. He took an arraw and shot the dog
e. He worried about facing his mother empty-handed
4. What did Dayang Sumbi do after she knew that Sangkuriang had killed Tumang?
a. She married Sangkuriang
b. She struck her son so hard
c. She exclaimed she would marry him
d. She asked Sangkuriang to make a lake
e. She kicked the half-finished boat back into the forest
5. Why did Dayang Sumbi avoid to marry Sangkuriang? Because.....
a. Sangkuriang had shot her dog
b. She didn’t love him
c. Dayang Sumbi elected the scar on her fiancee’s head
d. Sangkuriang was not a king
e. Sangkuriang didn’t have magic powers
6. What did Sangkuriang have to do to mary Dayang Sumbi?
a. He had to make a lake and built a boat before dawn
b. He had to make a lake and built a temple after dawn
c. He had to make a palace and built a boat before dawn
d. He had to be a king and built a boat before dawn
e. He had to make a lake and built a boat before evening
7. What did Sangkuriang do after he realized that he had been deceived?
a. He took an arrow and shot Dayang Sumbi
b. He struck Dayang Sumbi
c. He Chopped down a huge tree in the forest
d. He Cursed Dayang Sumbi and kicked the half-finished boat back into the forest.
e. He returned home and handed over the meat to his pleased mother
8. What is the generic structure of the text?
a. Orientation > Complication > Resolution > Re-Orientation
b. Orientation > Events > Re- Orientation
c. General Classification > Description
d. Identification > Description
e. Newsworthy Events > Background Events > Sources
9. Why did the sun rise much earlier than usual? Because…
a. Sangkuriang has finished his work
b. Dayang Sumbi called on the gods to bring the sun up early and thwart Sangkuriang
c. Sangkuriang knew that Dayang Sumbi was his mother
d. Sangkuriang has accomplished to make the lake.
e. Dayang Sumbi exclaimed she would marry Sangkuriang who gave the shuttle back to her
10. What condition did Dayang Sumbi set to Sangkuriang?
a. Sangkuriang would marry Dayang Sumbi before dawn
b. Sangkuriang went hunting with the dog and bring her venison for a feast.
c. Sangkuriang kicked the half-finished boat back into the forest
d. Sangkuriang canceled to marry his own mother
e. Sangkuriang had to make a lake that filled the whole valley and build a boat for the couple to sail in, all before dawn.
The Communicative purpose:
To amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways; (Narrative deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution).
The Generic Structure:
Orientation: Sets the scene and introduce the participants.
Evaluation: a stepping back to evaluate the plight.
Complication: a crisis arises.
Resolution: the crisis is resolved, for better and for worse.
Re-orientation: optional.
Types of Narrative
• There are many types of narrative. They can be imaginary, factual or a combination of both.
• They may include fairy stories, mysteries, science fiction, romances, horror stories, adventure stories, fables, myths and legends, historical narratives, ballads, slice of life, personal experience
Read the text.
Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih
BAWANG Putih lived with her step mother and her step sister, Bawang Merah. Bawang Putih's mother died when she was a baby. Her father remarried another woman and later her step sister was born. Unfortunately, not long after that her father died. Since then, Bawang Putih's life was sad. Her step mother and her step sister treated Bawang Putih badly and always asked her to do all the household chores.
One morning, Bawang Putih was washing some clothes in a river. Accidentally, her mother's clothes were washed away by the river. She was really worried so she walked along the river side to find the clothes. Finally she met an old woman. She said that she kept the clothes and would give them back to Bawang Putih if she helped the old woman do the household chores. Bawang Putih helped her happily. After everything was finished, the old woman returned the clothes. She also gave Bawang Putih a gift. The old woman had two pumpkins, one pumpkin was small and the other one was big. Bawang Putih had to choose one.
Bawang Putih was not a greedy girl. So she took the small one. After thanking the old woman, Bawang Putih then went home. When she arrived home, her step mother and Bawang Merah were angry. They had been waiting for her all day long. Bawang Putih then told about the clothes, the old woman, and the pumpkin. Her mother was really angry so she grabbed the pumpkin and smashed it to the floor. Suddenly they all were surprised. Inside the pumpkin they found jewelries. "Bawang Merah, hurry up. Go to the river and throw my clothes into the water. After that, find the old woman. Remember, you have to take the big pumpkin," the step mother asked Bawang Merah to do exactly the same as Bawang Putih's experience. Bawang Merah immediately went to the river. She threw the clothes and pretended to search them. Not long after that, she met the old woman. Again she asked Bawang Merah to do household chores. She refused and asked the old woman to give her a big pumpkin. The old woman then gave her the big one. Bawang Merah was so happy. She ran very fast. When she arrived home, her mother was impatient. She directly smashed the pumpkin to the floor. They were screaming. There were a lot of snakes inside the pumpkin! They were really scared. They were afraid the snakes would bite them. "Mom, I think God just punished us. We had done bad things to Bawang Putih. And God didn't like that. We have to apologize to Bawang Putih," said Bawang Merah.
Finally both of them realized their mistakes. They apologized and Bawang Putih forgave them. Now the family is not poor anymore. Bawang Putih decided to sell all the jewelries and used the money for their daily lives.
A. Write T on the lines before the statements that are true, according to the text. Write F before the statements that are false.
1. Bawang Putih lived with her father and mother.
2. ………… She met an old woman when she walked along the river side to find the clothes
3. ………… The old woman didn’t give anything to Bawang Putih.
4. ………… Bawang Merah did the household chores in the old woman house.
5. ………… Bawang Putih took the small pumpkin.
6. ………… There were jewelries inside Bawang Putih’s pumpkin.
7. ………… The old woman gave Bawang Merah the big pumpkin.
8. ………… Bawang Merah threw the clothes and pretended to search them.
9. …………The God punished Bawang Putih because she had done bad things to Bawang Merah.
10. ................ Bawang Putih decided to sell all the jewelries and used the money only for herself daily live.
B. Answer the questions.
1. Who are the main characters in this story?
2. What did Bawang putih do in the river?
3. Where was Bawang Putih washing the clothes?
4. How did Bawang Putih get the clothes back?
5. Why did the old woman give Bawang Putih pumpkin?
6. What were inside Bawang Merah’s pumpkin?
7. Why did Bawang Putih take the small pumpkin?
8. What did Bawang Merah do after she saw the jewelries inside Bawang Putih’s pumpkin?
9. What is the dominant structure of the text?
10. What can we learn from the story?
C. Write the reference of the following pronoun
1. “She” in paragraph 1 line 2 refers to…
2. “She” in paragraph 2 line 6 refers to…
3. “They” in paragraph 3 line 3 refers to…
4. “We” in paragraph 3 line 16 refers to…
5. “Their” in paragraph 4 line 3 refers to…
2. Grammar
Simple Present Tense
Simple Present tense says
That something was true in the past, is true in the present and will be true in the future. It is used for general statements of fact.
It is used to express habitual or everyday activity.
a. To tell about general truth.
Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.
Most animals kill only for food.
The world is round.
b. To express habitual or every day activity.
Ridwan studies for two hours every day.
My classes begin at seven.
He eats sandwich for lunch.
c. To tell what happen all or most all of the time.
His father is a soldier.
We live in the big city.
The adverb of frequency that we use in Simple Present Tense
- always
- usually
- often
- sometime
- seldom
- never
A. Complete the sentences by using the prompts provided.
1. He …….(change) his uniform every day.
2. I …….(take) part in the fire-walking ceremony every year.
3. She …….(clean) her room once a month. She ……..(not clean) it every week.
4. Joni and Ali…….(sit) in the last row every day.
5. Every morning, the sun……… (shine) in my bedroom window and (wake) ………… up.
6. The children……….(play) in the park every evening.
7. He always………..(prepared) his homework carefully.
8. They …………..(carry) the books in a briefcase.
9. George always ………(try) to arrive everywhere on time
10. Mrs. Smith……….(work) in the Eastern airlines.
B. Make sentences using the words given.
Example: Cat/eat/fish/kitchen
The cat eats the fish in the kitchen.
1. Mr. Frank/teach/English/class/every day
2. My mother/wash/dresses/bathroom/every morning
3. Harry and John/do/homework/living room/every night
4. The dog/sleep/street/every night
5. The head master/speak/ceremony/every Monday
6. Anang and Syahrini/sing/party/every month
7. Uncle Sam/drive/car/office/every morning
8. I and Toni/buy/chicken porridge/every Sunday
9. Rendy/pay/school fee/every month
10. Intan/write/letter/mother/every month
C. Change the sentence into positive, negative or interrogative.
1. + My father gives me money every morning.
2. +
- Frank and John don’t play badminton every Sunday.
3. +
? Does Romy watch TV every night?
4. + The children do the homework together every evening.
5. +
- She doesn’t listen to the radio every day.
6. +
? Do you ride the motorcycle every night?
7. + The sun rises in the east every morning.
11. +
- Eris doesn’t like to eat spaghetti.
12. +
? Does she speak English every day?
10. + The dog barks loudly in the street every night.
3. Speaking
Standard of Competence
Express messages in formal transaction exchanges in daily life context
Basic Competence
Express accurately and fluently messages in formal transaction exchange in daily life context to greet and introduce people.
Course Objectives
Students will be able to
Say greeting and respond
Introduce people and respond
When you introduce yourself, you will say…
Hello, I’m Hermanto
Hi, my name is Jack.
Mr. Frank, I‘m Robby, a new student here.
How do you do?
I’m Carol. Please to meet you.
When you introduce your friend to others, you will say…
I’d like to introduce you to my friend, Jack.
Please to meet my friend, Indah.
I’d like you to meet Raharjo.
Shinta, this is my friend, Tomy.
When you are introduced to someone, the first thing you say…
How do you do?
Nice to meet you
Please to meet you
And the reply is….
How do you do?
Nice to meet you
Please to meet you
Dialog 1:
Ahmad is the new student at school. He meets Shinta for the first time and he introduces himself to Shinta
Ratih : Hi, my name is Ratih.
I am a new student in this school.
Shinta : Hello, my name is Shinta
How do you do?
Nice to meet you, Ratih.
Ratih : How do you do?
Nice to meet you too, Shinta.
Shinta : Well… Ratih, where do you come from?
Ratih : I come from Ujung Pandang, South Sulawesi.
My father got a promotion in his company last month and we have to move to this town
Shinta : Ratih, I’d like to introduce you to my friend Rahma
Ratih : How do you do Rahma
Nice to meet you?
Rahma : How do you do?
Nice to meet you too
Ratih, you are new student in X 3, aren’t you?
Ratih : Yes, you are right.
Rahma : We have an English club.
Would like to join us to study together every Saturday evening, Ratih?
Ratih : Wow…That’s sound very good. I will join.
Shinta : Great! Next Saturday is in my house.
I will give you my address later.
Ratih : Ok! I will come.
Rahma : I hope so.
Shinta : I think we have to go to the class now because the bell will ring soon.
Ratih : Ok, let’s go.
A. Construct the dialog using the situation given in pairs. Then, simulate the conversation in front of the class.
1. Bonny is going to the Mall and suddenly he meets John, his friend in Junior High School.
2. Andi and Dian are schoolmate. They meet in the Mall, Andi wants to buy books in the bookstore and Dian wants to buy the clothes in the Department store. They talk each other before they do their activity.
3. Shinta is accompanying her mother in the hospital now; Rina is going to go to the dentist. Shinta approaches her and introduces her to her mother.
4. Jack comes to visit Robert house. Robert introduces Jack to his father.
4. Listening
Standard of competence
Understand messages in transactional and interpersonal exchange in daily life context.
Basic competence
Respond accurately, fluently and appropriately messages in transactional and interpersonal exchange in daily life context.
Course objectives
Students will be able to
Unit 2
Standard of Competence
Understand messages in functional text and short monologues/essay/of recount, narratives, and procedures in daily life context and get access to popular science.
Basic Competence
Respond accurately, fluently and appropriately and rhetorical steps in daily life context of recount
Course Objective
A recount tells events in the time order that they happened. Recounts may be written in different forms, which include:
a personal recount that relates the writer’s personal experience;
a factual recount that describe an events; and
an imaginative recounts that tells an imaginary events.
Types of recount
• Diaries
• Journals
• Biographies
• Newspaper report
• Letters
• Historical accounts
• Autobiographies
• Incident reports
Unit 1: Narrative
Simple Present tense
Greeting and introducing
Unit 2: Recount
Simple past tense
Unit 3: Procedure
Present Continuous tense
Unit 4:
Semester 2;
Unit 1: Narrative
Unit 2: Descriptive
Unit 3: News Item
Unit 1
1. Reading
Standard of Competence
Understand messages in short function text and short monologues/essays of recount, narrative and procedure in daily life context to get the knowledge
Basic Competence
Respond accurately, fluently and appropriately messages in short function text in daily life context and to get the knowledge.
Course Objectives
Students will be able to
Responding to the text in the narrative form correctly
Retelling to the story and identifying the communicative purpose and rhetorical moves in the text.
Read the legend.
A long time ago, the ancient land of Sunda was ruled by a king and queen who had but a single daughter. Her name was Dayang Sumbi. She was beautiful and clever but also pampered and spoiled.
One day as she was weaving in her pavilion, she became moody and distracted, which caused her to keep dropping her shuttle on the floor. Once when it fell she exclaimed she would marry the one who gave it back to her. At that very moment her dog Tumang, a demigod possessing magic powers, came up to her with the shuttle in his mouth. Dayang Sumbi had to marry him.
They lived happily together, and Dayang Sumbi gave birth to a baby boy, human in appearance but endowed with his father’s magic powers. She named him Sangkuriang. As the boy grew up, he was always guarded by the faithful dog Tumang, whom he knew only as a companion and not as his father, Sangkuriang became handsome and brave.
One day his mother asked him to go hunting with the dog and bring her venison for a feast. After hunting all day without success, Sangkuriang worried about facing his mother empty-handed. Desperate, he took an arrow and shot the dog. He returned home and handed over the meat to his pleased mother. Soon after the feast, however, Dayang Sumbi questioned her son about the absence of Tumang. At first he evaded her queries but finally told her what had happened. She was horrified and struck her son so hard on the temple that he collapsed. For that, the old king banished his daughter from the court and she was made to roam around the kingdom. Sangkuriang recovered with a large scar on his temple, and he too left the court to wander about the world.
Years later, Sangkuriang met a beautiful woman and instantly fell in love with her. It was his own mother-they did not recognize each other. He proposed to her and she agreed to marry him. On the day before the wedding, as she was caressing her fiancĂ©e’s hair, Dayang Sumbi detected the scar on the temple. Horror struck her, for she was about to marry her own son, Sangkuriang. Without revealing the whole truth to him, she tried unsuccessfully to dissuade him. Desperate to avoid the marriage, she set conditions she thought impossible to meet. Sangkuriang had to make a lake that filled the whole valley and build a boat for the couple to sail in, all before dawn.
Sangkuriang started to work. His love gave him extraordinary strength, and he used his magic powers to summon the spirits to help him. With boulders and mud they dammed the river in the valley and the water rose and began to form a lake. In the early morning hours he chopped down a huge tree in the forest and began hollowing it out to make a boat. When Dayang Sumbi saw that he was about to accomplish what she has thought impossible, she called on the gods to bring the sun up early and thwart Sangkuriang.
The cock crowed, the sun rose much earlier than usual, and Sangkuriang realized he had been deceived. In a fit of fury he caused Dayang Sumbi and kicked the half-finished boat back into the forest. There it lies upside down today, forming the mountain Tangkuban Perahu (Upturned Boat). Not far away is the stump of the tree Sangkuriang had fallen, now called Bukit Tinggi. The dam Sangkuriang had built caused the valley to become a lake, where both Sangkuriang and Dayang Sumbi drowned themselves. They were never heard of again.
(Taken from All Around Bandung – Gottfrid Roelcke, Gary Crabb).
A. Answer the questions based on the text given!
1. What is the purpose of the text?
2. Why did Dayang Sumbi become moody and distracted when she was weaving in her pavilion?
3. Who was Sangkuriang father?
4. She was horrified and struck her son so hard on the temple that he collapsed.
What is the synonym of the underlined word?
5. What is the dominant structure of the text?
6. Why did Sangkuriang take an arrow and shot the dog?
7. How did Sangkuriang accomplish to make a lake that filled the whole valley and build a boat for the couple to sail in, all before dawn?
8. Why did Dayang Sumbi set the condition that impossible to do?
9. What is the story trying to explain?
10. Mention the moral value in this story?
B. Match the word with the meaning or synonym!
1. ancient a. wander
2. evaded b. command something to come
3. Scar c. get out of the way
4. Lake d. stretch of land between hills or mountains usually with a river flowing through it
5. Banish e. meal in public with many good things to eat and drink
6. Summon f. belonging to time long past
7. deceive g. mark remaining on the surface of skin as the result of injury
8. roam h. send away out of the country
9. feast i. play trick on something in order to mislead
10. valley j. large area of water surrounded by land
C. Choose the correct answer.
1. Who was Dayang Sumbi’s husband?
a. The King
b. Sangkuriang
c. Tumang
d. Her fiancee
e. Her father
2. Why did she marry her dog, Tumang? Because...
a. She exclaimed to marry one who gave it back her shuttle
b. It was a companion Sangkuriang
c. She fell in love with it
d. It was a demigod possessing magic powers
e. She detected the scar on the temple
3. Why did Sangkuriang kill his dog? Because....
a. It had married his mother
b. He wanted to take Tumang’s powers
c. Sangkuriang loved Dayang Sumbi
d. He took an arraw and shot the dog
e. He worried about facing his mother empty-handed
4. What did Dayang Sumbi do after she knew that Sangkuriang had killed Tumang?
a. She married Sangkuriang
b. She struck her son so hard
c. She exclaimed she would marry him
d. She asked Sangkuriang to make a lake
e. She kicked the half-finished boat back into the forest
5. Why did Dayang Sumbi avoid to marry Sangkuriang? Because.....
a. Sangkuriang had shot her dog
b. She didn’t love him
c. Dayang Sumbi elected the scar on her fiancee’s head
d. Sangkuriang was not a king
e. Sangkuriang didn’t have magic powers
6. What did Sangkuriang have to do to mary Dayang Sumbi?
a. He had to make a lake and built a boat before dawn
b. He had to make a lake and built a temple after dawn
c. He had to make a palace and built a boat before dawn
d. He had to be a king and built a boat before dawn
e. He had to make a lake and built a boat before evening
7. What did Sangkuriang do after he realized that he had been deceived?
a. He took an arrow and shot Dayang Sumbi
b. He struck Dayang Sumbi
c. He Chopped down a huge tree in the forest
d. He Cursed Dayang Sumbi and kicked the half-finished boat back into the forest.
e. He returned home and handed over the meat to his pleased mother
8. What is the generic structure of the text?
a. Orientation > Complication > Resolution > Re-Orientation
b. Orientation > Events > Re- Orientation
c. General Classification > Description
d. Identification > Description
e. Newsworthy Events > Background Events > Sources
9. Why did the sun rise much earlier than usual? Because…
a. Sangkuriang has finished his work
b. Dayang Sumbi called on the gods to bring the sun up early and thwart Sangkuriang
c. Sangkuriang knew that Dayang Sumbi was his mother
d. Sangkuriang has accomplished to make the lake.
e. Dayang Sumbi exclaimed she would marry Sangkuriang who gave the shuttle back to her
10. What condition did Dayang Sumbi set to Sangkuriang?
a. Sangkuriang would marry Dayang Sumbi before dawn
b. Sangkuriang went hunting with the dog and bring her venison for a feast.
c. Sangkuriang kicked the half-finished boat back into the forest
d. Sangkuriang canceled to marry his own mother
e. Sangkuriang had to make a lake that filled the whole valley and build a boat for the couple to sail in, all before dawn.
The Communicative purpose:
To amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways; (Narrative deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution).
The Generic Structure:
Orientation: Sets the scene and introduce the participants.
Evaluation: a stepping back to evaluate the plight.
Complication: a crisis arises.
Resolution: the crisis is resolved, for better and for worse.
Re-orientation: optional.
Types of Narrative
• There are many types of narrative. They can be imaginary, factual or a combination of both.
• They may include fairy stories, mysteries, science fiction, romances, horror stories, adventure stories, fables, myths and legends, historical narratives, ballads, slice of life, personal experience
Read the text.
Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih
BAWANG Putih lived with her step mother and her step sister, Bawang Merah. Bawang Putih's mother died when she was a baby. Her father remarried another woman and later her step sister was born. Unfortunately, not long after that her father died. Since then, Bawang Putih's life was sad. Her step mother and her step sister treated Bawang Putih badly and always asked her to do all the household chores.
One morning, Bawang Putih was washing some clothes in a river. Accidentally, her mother's clothes were washed away by the river. She was really worried so she walked along the river side to find the clothes. Finally she met an old woman. She said that she kept the clothes and would give them back to Bawang Putih if she helped the old woman do the household chores. Bawang Putih helped her happily. After everything was finished, the old woman returned the clothes. She also gave Bawang Putih a gift. The old woman had two pumpkins, one pumpkin was small and the other one was big. Bawang Putih had to choose one.
Bawang Putih was not a greedy girl. So she took the small one. After thanking the old woman, Bawang Putih then went home. When she arrived home, her step mother and Bawang Merah were angry. They had been waiting for her all day long. Bawang Putih then told about the clothes, the old woman, and the pumpkin. Her mother was really angry so she grabbed the pumpkin and smashed it to the floor. Suddenly they all were surprised. Inside the pumpkin they found jewelries. "Bawang Merah, hurry up. Go to the river and throw my clothes into the water. After that, find the old woman. Remember, you have to take the big pumpkin," the step mother asked Bawang Merah to do exactly the same as Bawang Putih's experience. Bawang Merah immediately went to the river. She threw the clothes and pretended to search them. Not long after that, she met the old woman. Again she asked Bawang Merah to do household chores. She refused and asked the old woman to give her a big pumpkin. The old woman then gave her the big one. Bawang Merah was so happy. She ran very fast. When she arrived home, her mother was impatient. She directly smashed the pumpkin to the floor. They were screaming. There were a lot of snakes inside the pumpkin! They were really scared. They were afraid the snakes would bite them. "Mom, I think God just punished us. We had done bad things to Bawang Putih. And God didn't like that. We have to apologize to Bawang Putih," said Bawang Merah.
Finally both of them realized their mistakes. They apologized and Bawang Putih forgave them. Now the family is not poor anymore. Bawang Putih decided to sell all the jewelries and used the money for their daily lives.
A. Write T on the lines before the statements that are true, according to the text. Write F before the statements that are false.
1. Bawang Putih lived with her father and mother.
2. ………… She met an old woman when she walked along the river side to find the clothes
3. ………… The old woman didn’t give anything to Bawang Putih.
4. ………… Bawang Merah did the household chores in the old woman house.
5. ………… Bawang Putih took the small pumpkin.
6. ………… There were jewelries inside Bawang Putih’s pumpkin.
7. ………… The old woman gave Bawang Merah the big pumpkin.
8. ………… Bawang Merah threw the clothes and pretended to search them.
9. …………The God punished Bawang Putih because she had done bad things to Bawang Merah.
10. ................ Bawang Putih decided to sell all the jewelries and used the money only for herself daily live.
B. Answer the questions.
1. Who are the main characters in this story?
2. What did Bawang putih do in the river?
3. Where was Bawang Putih washing the clothes?
4. How did Bawang Putih get the clothes back?
5. Why did the old woman give Bawang Putih pumpkin?
6. What were inside Bawang Merah’s pumpkin?
7. Why did Bawang Putih take the small pumpkin?
8. What did Bawang Merah do after she saw the jewelries inside Bawang Putih’s pumpkin?
9. What is the dominant structure of the text?
10. What can we learn from the story?
C. Write the reference of the following pronoun
1. “She” in paragraph 1 line 2 refers to…
2. “She” in paragraph 2 line 6 refers to…
3. “They” in paragraph 3 line 3 refers to…
4. “We” in paragraph 3 line 16 refers to…
5. “Their” in paragraph 4 line 3 refers to…
2. Grammar
Simple Present Tense
Simple Present tense says
That something was true in the past, is true in the present and will be true in the future. It is used for general statements of fact.
It is used to express habitual or everyday activity.
a. To tell about general truth.
Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.
Most animals kill only for food.
The world is round.
b. To express habitual or every day activity.
Ridwan studies for two hours every day.
My classes begin at seven.
He eats sandwich for lunch.
c. To tell what happen all or most all of the time.
His father is a soldier.
We live in the big city.
The adverb of frequency that we use in Simple Present Tense
- always
- usually
- often
- sometime
- seldom
- never
A. Complete the sentences by using the prompts provided.
1. He …….(change) his uniform every day.
2. I …….(take) part in the fire-walking ceremony every year.
3. She …….(clean) her room once a month. She ……..(not clean) it every week.
4. Joni and Ali…….(sit) in the last row every day.
5. Every morning, the sun……… (shine) in my bedroom window and (wake) ………… up.
6. The children……….(play) in the park every evening.
7. He always………..(prepared) his homework carefully.
8. They …………..(carry) the books in a briefcase.
9. George always ………(try) to arrive everywhere on time
10. Mrs. Smith……….(work) in the Eastern airlines.
B. Make sentences using the words given.
Example: Cat/eat/fish/kitchen
The cat eats the fish in the kitchen.
1. Mr. Frank/teach/English/class/every day
2. My mother/wash/dresses/bathroom/every morning
3. Harry and John/do/homework/living room/every night
4. The dog/sleep/street/every night
5. The head master/speak/ceremony/every Monday
6. Anang and Syahrini/sing/party/every month
7. Uncle Sam/drive/car/office/every morning
8. I and Toni/buy/chicken porridge/every Sunday
9. Rendy/pay/school fee/every month
10. Intan/write/letter/mother/every month
C. Change the sentence into positive, negative or interrogative.
1. + My father gives me money every morning.
2. +
- Frank and John don’t play badminton every Sunday.
3. +
? Does Romy watch TV every night?
4. + The children do the homework together every evening.
5. +
- She doesn’t listen to the radio every day.
6. +
? Do you ride the motorcycle every night?
7. + The sun rises in the east every morning.
11. +
- Eris doesn’t like to eat spaghetti.
12. +
? Does she speak English every day?
10. + The dog barks loudly in the street every night.
3. Speaking
Standard of Competence
Express messages in formal transaction exchanges in daily life context
Basic Competence
Express accurately and fluently messages in formal transaction exchange in daily life context to greet and introduce people.
Course Objectives
Students will be able to
Say greeting and respond
Introduce people and respond
When you introduce yourself, you will say…
Hello, I’m Hermanto
Hi, my name is Jack.
Mr. Frank, I‘m Robby, a new student here.
How do you do?
I’m Carol. Please to meet you.
When you introduce your friend to others, you will say…
I’d like to introduce you to my friend, Jack.
Please to meet my friend, Indah.
I’d like you to meet Raharjo.
Shinta, this is my friend, Tomy.
When you are introduced to someone, the first thing you say…
How do you do?
Nice to meet you
Please to meet you
And the reply is….
How do you do?
Nice to meet you
Please to meet you
Dialog 1:
Ahmad is the new student at school. He meets Shinta for the first time and he introduces himself to Shinta
Ratih : Hi, my name is Ratih.
I am a new student in this school.
Shinta : Hello, my name is Shinta
How do you do?
Nice to meet you, Ratih.
Ratih : How do you do?
Nice to meet you too, Shinta.
Shinta : Well… Ratih, where do you come from?
Ratih : I come from Ujung Pandang, South Sulawesi.
My father got a promotion in his company last month and we have to move to this town
Shinta : Ratih, I’d like to introduce you to my friend Rahma
Ratih : How do you do Rahma
Nice to meet you?
Rahma : How do you do?
Nice to meet you too
Ratih, you are new student in X 3, aren’t you?
Ratih : Yes, you are right.
Rahma : We have an English club.
Would like to join us to study together every Saturday evening, Ratih?
Ratih : Wow…That’s sound very good. I will join.
Shinta : Great! Next Saturday is in my house.
I will give you my address later.
Ratih : Ok! I will come.
Rahma : I hope so.
Shinta : I think we have to go to the class now because the bell will ring soon.
Ratih : Ok, let’s go.
A. Construct the dialog using the situation given in pairs. Then, simulate the conversation in front of the class.
1. Bonny is going to the Mall and suddenly he meets John, his friend in Junior High School.
2. Andi and Dian are schoolmate. They meet in the Mall, Andi wants to buy books in the bookstore and Dian wants to buy the clothes in the Department store. They talk each other before they do their activity.
3. Shinta is accompanying her mother in the hospital now; Rina is going to go to the dentist. Shinta approaches her and introduces her to her mother.
4. Jack comes to visit Robert house. Robert introduces Jack to his father.
4. Listening
Standard of competence
Understand messages in transactional and interpersonal exchange in daily life context.
Basic competence
Respond accurately, fluently and appropriately messages in transactional and interpersonal exchange in daily life context.
Course objectives
Students will be able to
Unit 2
Standard of Competence
Understand messages in functional text and short monologues/essay/of recount, narratives, and procedures in daily life context and get access to popular science.
Basic Competence
Respond accurately, fluently and appropriately and rhetorical steps in daily life context of recount
Course Objective
A recount tells events in the time order that they happened. Recounts may be written in different forms, which include:
a personal recount that relates the writer’s personal experience;
a factual recount that describe an events; and
an imaginative recounts that tells an imaginary events.
Types of recount
• Diaries
• Journals
• Biographies
• Newspaper report
• Letters
• Historical accounts
• Autobiographies
• Incident reports
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