
Kamis, 01 April 2010

Tugas Psikomotor UH 2

Make the text of news item at least 3 paragraphs about the disaster and criminal in Indonesia, you can find it in the newspaper.
It is for the psikomotor of UH 2, do in a sheet of the paper

Materi Kelas X Reguler & Science

News Item

The communicative Purpose :
To inform the readers, listeners, or viewers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important

The Generic Structure :
Newsworthy (s) : recount the event in summary form
Background event (s) : elaborate what happened, to whom, in what circumstances
Sources : comments by participants in, witness to and authorities expert on the events

Read and translate the text in the book page 102

exercise: Do the exercise in the book page 102, no: 1 - 10